Monday, January 28, 2008

Whaling Research


maybe that is true.

I live in japan and i feel that japanese goverment want their people to hate other nations.

It seems that japanese government sometime makes another country or UN mad on purpose in order to make them criticize japan.

japanese news program is... like this↓ I can't understand why many japanese watch such foolish things.

After making other countries mad, they control domestic mass media and persuade people to believe that foreign people are just idiot and racist, and what japanese government says are always completely right and what foreigh governments say are always inferior to ours. They privent people from being wise by learning from other countries. In doing so, they can carry out politics in their favor.

I think this is why children in japan are not happy because their education is decided by their parents and parents' income, despite japan is rich enough. etc...

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